Friday, October 21, 2016

Prompts For College Answer

The reason that I want to go to college is to further my education.  My brother and including myself will be first generation kids to go off to college.  I want to go to make my parents proud of me so that I don't let them down.  Knowing that both my parents only completed school all the way up to High School motivates me to push myself into doing better and becoming better at certain things.  My parents would have done anything for them to be able to continue their education and pursue a career.  I also want to go to college to become either a middle school teacher or to become a registered nurse. Those are two different career fields but they have been two that I have always been interested in.  I want to strive for greatness.


  1. And greatness is what you get :)
    Alverno's educational school and nursing school are great. Why don't you become a nurse teacher? That way you'll get best of both worlds :)
