Friday, December 9, 2016


I want to finish reading Mocking Jay.

And I want to finish Everything, Everything

Friday, December 2, 2016

Olly's Fast Favorites

color- Red
body part- Eyes
class- Anatomy
movie- Amber Alert
food- Pozole

Friday, November 4, 2016

Flatland and Everything, Everything.

A trait that I think would fit a woman's role in flatland... I do not really know at the moment.  

Friday, October 28, 2016

Timed writing everything, everything

The time that I felt that I couldn't breathe was when I had all these deadlines for many projects and many assignments due for school.  I was so stressed with school and work and I was just too overwhelmed.  But I motivated myself and I was able to finish exactly what was needed to be done on time and I felt very satisfied with my work.  I was happy in the end because I felt that I was just going to break down and not be able to complete my work.  But I guess it is right with what they say "hard works pays off." To me I know that those sleepless nights will pay off in the end.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Prompts For College Answer

The reason that I want to go to college is to further my education.  My brother and including myself will be first generation kids to go off to college.  I want to go to make my parents proud of me so that I don't let them down.  Knowing that both my parents only completed school all the way up to High School motivates me to push myself into doing better and becoming better at certain things.  My parents would have done anything for them to be able to continue their education and pursue a career.  I also want to go to college to become either a middle school teacher or to become a registered nurse. Those are two different career fields but they have been two that I have always been interested in.  I want to strive for greatness.

Friday, April 8, 2016

timed writing for living out

I do not know exactly what to write about living out.

Are you planning on retaking the ACT?

Quiz Maker

Have you received your ACT scores yet?


Friday, February 26, 2016

With the help of everyone we can make this possible.
Should the lights be kept off?

personality test
Are you old enough to vote yet? I know I am and I am so excited for the "I voted sticker."

Are you old enough to vote?

personality test